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             Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, (Hebrews 12:1)

This morning on my prayer walk (and dog-walk) I repeated an oft’-repeated request for a verse about which to blog today. Today’s passage is’s verse of the day. It’s a beloved verse, and I’ve probably written about it too many times, but today, it will have to be too many plus one.

I’ve read claims that the cloud of witnesses is angels and those who have gone to heaven. That may be, but the cloud can also include everyone living next door. I have to admit, I sort of hate this notion that there’s a spiritual drone hovering about, recording every second. I don’t want to be the star of the “Karen Show.” I tell people I want to be invisible. And I do, until I open my mouth and then it’s all about vocaleses: “Mi-mi-mi-mi-mi.”

Since invisibility is impossible, and that cloud of witnesses exists, we need to respond accordingly. Shouting “Go away” (no matter what words you use) won’t work. Instead, Paul advises us, effectively, to give the best show possible. We’re to throw off what hinders and the sin that entangles. What’s really tough about this is that we like some of what hinders and entangles. Other things that hinder or entangle are powerful. Some hindrances and snares have acted as prosthetics, allowing us (we think) to function. Some of what hinders is even good. The problem is that they get in the way no matter what we’ve convinced ourselves about them.

Today, my biggest challenge in this verse is the last part. We’re supposed to run the race marked out for us. Run. Not saunter. Not stand in the window and watch. Not hide in our rooms. We’re to put forth our best effort. We’re supposed to get sweaty. We’re supposed to end up out of breath and even get blisters and achy muscles. Granted, we may only be able to run ten feet. But we’re supposed to run.

Sometimes, I put forth my best effort at something, but more often (especially when I don’t have anyone to be accountable to) when I’m supposed to be running, I’m off in the weeds somewhere. That might not be so bad if I were foraging or taking pictures, but I’m just looking around, appearing active while my mind grumbles or whines on about something. The document is open when I’m supposed to be writing, but I’m surfing Facebook. There is no area of my life that I think I’m putting forth a real effort. I grant that perfectionism is a snare, but even putting the grandiose visions of myself as an Olympic marathoner in every area of my life, I know I could do better than I’m doing - and I suspect you know you could do better too.

I’m not sure what we decide to do better matters. Pick something and run with it. Set a timer if we need to, and for an hour…fifteen minutes…five minutes…one minute…ten seconds, give it your all - even if the thing you're doing is resting. In learning how to do it for that moment, you’ll learn how to do it for longer or how to apply yourself to something else with as much focus. You’ll learn how to run.


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