However, God came to Laban the Aramean in a dream of the night and said to him, “Be careful that you do not speak to Jacob either good or bad.” (Genesis 31:24) I’m not sure that careful is really a good word to use as a synonym for conscious . Aware might be better and we’ll probably get to it. But this morning when I looked up the former, the verse above was the first, and it caught my attention. God told Laban to be careful not to speak to Jacob either good or bad? What problem would God have with Laban saying good things to Jacob? I suspect this is a “God-Thing” because yesterday, I read an interesting definition. I shared it as a quote, but it seems to fit here. Dallas Willard stipulated that assault is when we act against what’s good for someone, even with their own consent. Jacob had consented to work for Laban for seven years for Rachel. Laban had assaulted Jacob by giving him Leah instead. Ja...
This blog is thoughts on faith, life and ideas from a Christian contemplative perspective.