In front of you is a refrigerator about half the size of yours. Take one step to the right. You are looking at the dining table with a bench seat on either side. Turn 180 degrees. Now you are facing a sink and counter area, but 75% of the counter is beyond the sink. Take another step to your right. There is the range and the convection oven/microwave that is the size of the microwave. Turn around again and you're back where you started. Here's a complication to the story, t he stove runs on propane, which hasn't been purchased yet. That leaves a the convection oven/microwave as your sole means of cooking, which you've only used as a convection oven once before. Considering those limitations, I have to say that a Thanksgiving dinner of turkey tenderloin cutlets, sweet potatoes, and broccoli with a choice of cheese toppings...
This blog is thoughts on faith, life and ideas from a Christian contemplative perspective.