Title: The Narcissism Epidemic: Living in the Age of
Authors: Twenge, Jean
and Campbell, W. Keith
Free Press, 2009
ISBN: 978-1-4165-7598-6
Overall Rating: 6 of 10
Narcissism Epidemic provided some good statistics, and shared a number of
interesting studies in a readable manner. It was nice to have something written
by academics about an academic subject without sounding too academic. However,
the prescriptions offered at the end of each chapter (at least it seemed like
each chapter) became monotonous. The
fact that their prescription was different from Dr. Gilligan's in Violence:
Our Deadly Epidemic and Its Causes won them points. I don't know exactly
what statistics or information they could have given to have made me happy with
them, but something about the book just didn't quite produce the "ah
ha!" I wanted it to. However, for those who want some justification or fuel for their sense of irritation about people thinking they're entitled, this might be a book for you.
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