When the Lord heard them, he was furious; his fire broke out against Jacob, and
his wrath rose against Israel, for they did not believe in God or trust in his
deliverance. Yet he gave a command to the skies above and opened the doors of
the heavens; he rained down manna for the people to eat, he gave them the grain
of heaven. Human beings ate the bread of angels; he sent them all the food they
could eat. (Psalm 78:21-25)
I put my back out this morning
trimming along my raised beds, so while I spent time on my back on an icepack,
I opened my Bible randomly to II Samuel 1. I’m not including it here because it’s
long, but it includes a song that David wrote after hearing of the death of King
Saul and Prince Jonathan. It’s understandable that he’d sing about Jonathan.
They were friends, but Saul had been trying to kill David for at least seven
years. But the song isn’t about how David’s enemy finally got what was coming
to him.
In today’s passage, God is
described as being angry. Israel was, well, being Israel, and they’d rebelled
repeatedly. God punished them, but even in the middle of the punishment, He
never stopped feeding them the “bread of angels.”
We have a tendency to want to
cut people off. Those who disagree with us, those whose pain doesn’t measure up
to what we think is “real pain,” we want to dismiss them. That’s not the
principle in today’s passage. If Saul had killed David, he would have declared
a celebration throughout the land. In fact, we have seen such celebrations. When
a nation the Muslim countries hate faces a crisis or is defeated, they
celebrate. When accused terrorist leaders have been hunted down and killed by
American troops, Americans have celebrated. I have little doubt that if Mr.
Trump were to die of a heart attack (or better yet, COVID-19) there would be
parties across the world. But this is not the pattern of behavior set forth in Scripture.
David wept when Saul and
Jonathan died. He wrote a song and taught it to the nation. While God punished
Israel, He still fed them and protected them. As a people, we may have to put a
serial killer or serial rapist to death or take out a terrorist enemy. We may have
to put someone in jail who insists on deliberately spreading COVID-19. But,
contrary to human nature, we should not find pleasure in it. Nor should we
mistreat the person we have marked for death. They still get fed the “bread of
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