He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. (Ecclesiastes 3:11)
Then, of course, we all
know of someone who isn’t physically attractive but has a beautiful mind,
spirit, soul, voice, or way with people (or animals.) We also know of people who look beautiful but are ugly in their minds, spirits, souls, etc. This is an
obvious but necessary idea if we’re to look for beauty or understand this
verse. Yes, He made everything in its time. Our not noticing doesn’t diminish
the beauty He created. We know this - this is what Beauty and the Beast
What the teacher says next
is almost as bizarre and proves the end of the verse. We can’t fathom how God put
eternity in our hearts. And yet, I don’t notice any creature that is as obsessed
with the future and the past as humans are. As strange as it may sound, the author
of Ecclesiastes has hit on some things to keep in mind as we look for beauty and
face life.
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