May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in Your sight, Lord, my rock and my Redeemer. (Psalm 19:14)
OK, advanced warning.
Overthinking is likely. I got back to my trailer last night after an evacuation
“vacation” to my house up north. It wasn’t really a vacation. I had no water,
no plumbing, and no gas – but I had electricity and got water from my neighbor’s
house. I made due. I coped very well. If I’d stayed at the trailer, I would
have had no water and no electric for at least a good chunk of the time. I’m not
complaining. I’m setting up and recording for posterity, so to speak. I’m
back, and God has blessed me with remarkably little damage. I’ve seen places
with metal awnings torn off. I’ve seen where the water reached at its high
mark. Work is already underway to recover.
First, the people who
faced Helene and Milton need prayers, not just now, but for months to come. Some
lost everything. Some lost only what was important. Some may not realize what
they’ve lost until they get over being numb.
But I know myself, and I
know other people. It’s so easy to whine, complain, kvetch, or be impatient. It’s
easy to lose patience with overworked folks who are trying to help but can’t do
everything fast enough. It’s easy to lose patience with people who are in shock
or trying to grieve losses they may not even realize they’ve lost. They just
feel lost.
To be honest, I have been
greatly blessed, and I want to bless others – but when there’s pain, fear,
anger, grief (or any other strong emotion,) the universe shrinks down to the
size and shape of that emotion, even if we don’t realize it. So, the request
made to God in today’s verse – it’s one we can pray for each other and for
ourselves as we deal with folks who may be struggling.
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