“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” (Jeremiah 17:7-8)
On the one hand, God must be used to people not trusting Him. On
the other hand, people have far less reason to trust me, and I know how I feel
when they don’t. I also know that at least some of what I do is designed to
earn their trust – deserved or not. It’s a good thing that God isn’t as desperate,
or as foolish, as I am (or, as I suspect that we are.)
My truck has been telling me for some time that the batteries in
my key fobs are getting low. Last week, my main key fob bit the dust. I pulled
out my secondary, and then my backup, only to discover that all three would no longer
lock my truck’s doors. With the help of a video on the Internet, I managed to
replace all three without breaking them. It was no big deal, really, except for
two facts. One was that I was pretty sure I would break them. They aren’t cheap.
The other thing is that I trusted those key fobs, or the batteries
that powered them. When I approached the door or pushed the button, they unlocked,
and when I pushed the button as I walked away, the doors locked. I didn’t
question whether they would work. I didn’t experience anxiety about it.
Granted, there were times when I pushed a button or approached the door and
they didn’t work, but pushing the button (again) did the trick. I’ll also admit
that there were a few times when I pushed a button, expecting it to lock or unlock,
and it opened all the windows. I still haven’t figured that one out. But I
trusted them to do what they were supposed to do. I even trusted that when they
did something else or didn’t do what I wanted that I was probably the one at fault.
We’re not quite key fobs and not quite solar lights, but like
solar lights, when we run low on faith, spending time in the Son-shine, in the
Spirit, or in the Word will recharge our batteries. And that is like being a
tree planted along streams of water – because that which is needed for our
wellbeing is provided for as long as we are kept in proper relation with the
source of our lives.
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