then know this, you and all the people of Israel: It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed. (Acts 4:10)
guy. A guy lame from birth who was used to being carried to and from a temple
gate called Beautiful where be begged for change. The Beautiful Gate,
using the Greek word ωραιαν which would be transliterated as Horaian Gate.
According to the resources I found, it was probably the Nicanor Gate, which
was the gate between the court of the Gentiles and the Court of the Women.
All of that is probably exactly correct. I’m 100% sure they didn’t mean what I’m about to suggest, but in my mind, ωραιαν seems quite similar to Orion. And in Orion’s belt is what is known as the Orion Nebula
Beautiful, isn't it? Did God arrange language just so? Don’t base your theology on it, but you may find it fun.
back to more serious, real Bible consideration. The guy, lame from birth, taken
daily to the temple to beg at a gate called Beautiful. We should not assume
that his begging was not successful. For all we know, the reason his family took
him there was because he earned enough to feed them all and pay the mortgage –
or that he never earned more than a dollar in all the years he’d been there.
They took him there, and left him there to be a burden to the authority
structure of the Jewish community.
often had Jesus walked by him? About two months after Jesus rose from the
dead, Peter strolls along. How many times had Peter passed the guy? Did someone
or something bring the guy to Peter’s attention? Of course, the Holy Spirit,
but did the Spirit use someone or something else? Did someone shout at the
crippled man? Did the guy bless someone who had given him something? We don’t
know. For apparently no reason, Peter notices the guy and calls for and
receives miraculous healing for him. And is arrested.
going to admit that I’m an emotional mess today. Some things have happened,
like the coincidence mentioned above, my health challenge (officially now COVID,)
a question from a fellow writer, some fantastic ideas for book IV that just
blow me away, and a few ideas that make me so thankful for the last six months,
but here is the thing that hit me hardest as I was reading this passage –
harder even than the pictures…
Reread the passage, with the tiny changes inserted and in your most authoritative
voice: then know this, you and all the people [of Israel]: It is by the name
of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the
dead, that [insert your name] stands before you healed.
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