Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:9)
What does courage feel like? Have
you ever felt it? Maybe it’s just my distrust of feelings but I don’t think I
have. I have felt unafraid or not felt afraid. I have felt pride at overcoming my fear or doing something someone would call courageous. But the whole
point of courage is that one acts despite fear. Not feeling fear isn’t
being courageous. It’s not being afraid, and it’s possible that not being afraid is foolish.
We tend to have this notion that courage
is something noble or heroic. As I write this, however, it comes to mind that
it’s time to rip the mask off of the caped crusader known as “Courage.” What a
surprise… it’s mild-mannered Self-Discipline… doing what you need to do despite
not wanting to, or wanting desperately not to. Oh dear, “Paradigm Shift!”
The problem is that self-discipline isn’t
at its best when used only in a crisis. Yes, there are stories of people performing
amazing acts of strength in a crisis, but how much easier is it for someone who
regularly lifts 200 pounds three days a week to lift 400 pounds than it is for
someone who may lift ten pounds one day a week? To be strong and courageous in
battle, one must practice not running from smaller things.
So, the task I’m going to put in my
to-do list is to make a list of things I should do that I’m afraid to or
otherwise have been avoiding. Yikes. Some of that list will involve doing what I do not want to do or think I can't. Some will involve stopping doing what I want to do or think I can't.
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