Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. (Colossians 3:13)
Son though he was, he
learned obedience from what he suffered (Hebrews
Yeah, this would have to
be the verse of the day. In the past week to ten days, I’ve been working on
forgiving some people and I think I’ve been doing half-decently at it. My policy
has been that whenever I start getting angry or hurt, I pray for their
well-being and blessing. But it cannot escape my notice that there’s no
reciprocation. I should be used to this, because this isn’t the first, or even
the fifth time it’s happened. People decide I’m something to scrape off their
shoes. It doesn’t help that someone else said something in my hearing on
another subject and I’m grinding my teeth about that, too.
Forgiveness isn’t (necessarily)
easy. And it’s even harder when you’re the person you need to forgive. Bearing
with other people seems like a burden I just don’t want to shoulder. Enduring
someone else’s hatred (and don’t let them fool you when they lie and say it’s
just “dislike”) is difficult. And yet - this is precisely the sort of thing
Jesus had to endure. They didn’t like what He said, so they conspired against Him
and crucified Him - and they thought they were doing their nation (and probably
God) a favor. If He learned obedience through suffering, can we who have been,
are, and will be disobedient expect to avoid the lessons?
I’m not looking for pity.
I’m not looking for anyone to take my side against someone. I’m not going to
gossip and share details; I’ll delete any comment that attempts to supply
details or defend anyone’s perspective. That’s not why I’m sharing this. I’m sharing
it because forgiveness is probably the toughest
lesson we need to learn - but it’s not an elective course.
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