"In the beginning, God..." Genesis 1:1 Beginnings are exciting. They are filled with potential and mystery. Traditionally this is the day we begin a new year, with new resolutions for how we're going to do what we haven't done all the years that have gone before. In a way, today is the day on which we hope to become "new creations" unlike the old us of even moments before. A few days ago I mentioned the idea of mission statements, with the universal part of our mission being to love God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength, and to love our neighbor as ourselves. We must put God at the beginning of everything...and in the center of everything.... and He must be the end toward which we travel. My overarching goal of this year is to make the song in the link below the prayer of each day of the year: Be Thou My Vision For those who don't know this song, here are the lyrics that can be used a...
This blog is thoughts on faith, life and ideas from a Christian contemplative perspective.