This blog began
as a means of sharing with those who cared to know some of what is going on in
my life and mind as I begin this journey. I suspected that over time, it would
develop and grow along with me. Some of that development is beginning to take
shape. The look is changing a little. As I figure out how to do it, it is going
to change further. I may end up switching platforms or even figuring out how to
do my own webpage. For the moment, the focus is going to be a change in
content. I have already begun adding book reviews, and that will continue. I am
planning to add what I will loosely call a devotional aspect. Sometimes it may
look like a normal devotional, some won't. I hope those will be profound
blessings to those who read them. There will also be trivia according to my
interests and as the Spirit leads. I expect the begin the devotional entries
soon, to lead into the new year.
Your comments,
compliments, criticisms, suggestions and ideas are welcome and will be
prayerfully considered.
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