Now to
you who believe, this stone is precious. But to those who do not believe,
“The stone the
builders rejected has become the capstone,’” and, “A stone that causes men to
stumble and a rock that makes them fall.” They stumble because they disobey the
message—which is also what they were destined for. (I Peter 2:7-8)
That Corner Stone that both God and
we find precious is the stone those who don't believe trip over then curse
because they've skinned their knees and elbows. It's also the rock on which
they stand in judgment of others, though they claim otherwise. They claim that
they arrive at their ideas of justice from logic, reason, understanding and
science. What they forget or ignore is the fact that the mind that created the
universe is the same mind that set the rules thereof, so it's only natural that
they would arrive at the same conclusions by observing and thinking. They are
not the rules one finds by applying their theories of how the world works, but
they are the rules one finds by applying the rules God set for the universe.
Disregarding the rules and the
Rule-giver has natural consequences. One stumbles. The passage today says this
is what they were destined for. Sometimes people think "How cruel of God
to destine people for destruction." Then we get on social media and
proclaim that those who hurt women, children, or animals should be treated far
worse than they treated the women, children or animals. During the same time on
social media, someone declares a horrible fate for those of an opposing
opinion, and we share and like because "they deserve it." We drive on
the highway and someone screams by us, and we hope they get pulled over (or
It's easy, when we look at Scripture,
to assume that those who are described as "destined for" stumbling,
or destruction or Hell don't deserve it.
It's also easy to pronounce a bad destiny for those who offend us using
the exact same law (but only as far as we want to, and only when applied to
someone else.)
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