What then shall we say that Abraham, our
forefather, discovered in this matter? If, in fact, Abraham was justified by
works, he had something to boast about—but not before God. What does the
Scripture say? “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as
righteousness.” Now when a man works, his wages are not credited to him as a
gift, but as an obligation. However, to the man who does not work but trusts
God who justifies the wicked, his faith is credited as righteousness. (Romans
talk about heroes. Heroes are good things. We admire them, we want them to
rescue us, and we want to be them (as long as it doesn’t cost too much, hurt
too much, or place longstanding requirements on us.) Abraham was a hero for the
Jews, so it was logical for Paul to mention him. Paul begins to clear up a
misunderstanding about Abraham in today’s passage. He finishes the job in a
passage we’ll consider in a couple days.
On what basis was Abraham justified?
According to Genesis 15, he believed God, and that was the basis on which his
righteousness rested. It wasn’t until Genesis 17, which took place at least 14
years later, that Abraham was circumcised. Don’t misunderstand, actions do
matter, and it was his belief that led to his actions, but the belief came first
and resulted in the works. Do you remember what happened between when the Bible
said that Abraham was declared righteous based on his faith and when he was
circumcised? The whole mess with Hagar. It certainly wasn’t Abraham’s shining
achievement of faith.
spiritual heroes may be as flawed as Abraham was, or perhaps worse, but the
pattern remains. Many people think highly of Mother Theresa. Even if you don’t,
the pattern holds. She didn’t go to India and start helping lepers and then
became nun. She didn’t become a nun and then believed. She believed, therefore
she became a nun, and then she went to India. The belief is the foundation that
keeps the structure from crumbling.
This is important to understand. As long as we think we can earn our way to heaven through good works, we are rejecting God's gift and therefore His love. Few of us would be pleased if someone rejected a gift we wanted to give them until they earned it and could therefore demand it from us. Few of us would be pleased if, upon giving a gift to someone, that person said, "Well, it's about time. I spent the last ten years kissing your backside and working my fingers to the bone. I honestly deserve far more than this and I resent being cheated, but if it's the best you can manage, I'll just keep in mind that you're a cheat next time around."
Administrator's Note: I hope to continue to post these over the next couple days, but it is time for my annual transition from North to South. I apologize in advance for any disruptions. Being a member of a migratory sub-species has both blessings and challenges and tomorrow begins one of the challenges, the actual migration.
Administrator's Note: I hope to continue to post these over the next couple days, but it is time for my annual transition from North to South. I apologize in advance for any disruptions. Being a member of a migratory sub-species has both blessings and challenges and tomorrow begins one of the challenges, the actual migration.
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