Now we know that whatever the law says,
it says to those who are under the law, so that every mouth may be silenced and
the whole world held accountable to God. Therefore no one will be declared
righteous in his sight by observing the law; rather, through the law we become
conscious of sin. (Romans 3:19-20)
driving can be such a bother. I’ll grant that sometimes the same thing happens
on local streets, but it’s on the highway that I notice it most. As I drive
along the onramp, trying to make sure no one is in my blind spot, trying to
match speeds with the traffic with which I want to merge, trying to find a spot
big enough to merge into, and thinking about where I’m trying to go; invariably
I don’t see a speed limit sign. I’m not sure the stupid things are even there
but if they are, who can pay attention to a sign when there are so many more
urgent matters? One I get settled into my place in traffic, I keep an eye out
and I always seem to be going too fast or too slow. It doesn’t help that the
highways near my home seem to require unending work.
thing is, if the speed limit isn’t posted, how do you know? I know that
previous experience and general knowledge of the law helps but until I see the
sign, I don’t know for absolute certain which of the bears in Goldilocks I am
emulating: too fast, too slow, just right.
else I’ve noticed… police never pull you over to compliment your driving and
hand you a reward for being the ‘just right” bear. I don’t know which emotion
would win the duel if they did: pride or joy for having gotten a prize for doing
it right or irritation with the time wasted. I bet if a state began a lottery
system in which at some random place and time, the state police handed out a thousand-dollar
prize to someone found doing the speed limit, lots of cruise controls would be set
to it.
back to the issue of the speed limit signs. When I see one, I check my speedometer.
When I see the state police cruiser in the median, I check my speed. When I see
something that says “LAW” I check and correct my behavior. It is then that I
become conscious of that behavior. There are times when I haven’t seen the
reminder, or when it’s been too long since I saw it when I wonder whether I’m
doing the speed limit, but unless I think I’m going way too fast, it doesn’t
result in a correction.
is the situation we face with God, as well. The purpose of the law was not to
give us a means to earn rewards, it was to make us aware of our
unrighteousness. When it causes us to check and correct our behavior, often, it’s
to a “speed” that is, well, close; a speed that the police don’t generally give
tickets for (about five mph above the posted limit.) We are happy with being a
little too fast or too slow because “just right” is boring and frustrating. In
our boredom, we ignore our freedom and safety. In our frustration, we lash out
at the Law and the Law Giver.
as we don’t expect the police to hand us checks or gift cards for driving the
speed limit, we shouldn’t expect God to reward us for approximate good
behavior. But we do, don’t we?
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