Paul, a
servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel
of God— the gospel he promised
beforehand through his prophets in the Holy Scriptures regarding his Son, who
as to his human nature was a descendant of David, and who through the Spirit of
holiness was declared with power to be the Son of God by his resurrection from
the dead: Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 1:1-4)
people would have us believe that neither Jesus, nor any of His followers,
proclaimed Jesus to be divine prior to the Council of Nicaea (fourth century.)
They will further tell you that it was inserted by some anonymous writers at
that point. A few may even try to tell you that King James was the responsible
fraud in 1611. It’s interesting that Origin supposedly referred to Mary as
Domina, the female equivalent of “Lord” in the third century, and a variety of
writers were referring to her as queen by the sixth century, yet this was never
included in the New Testament, which (some will say) was either completely
written or at least massively changed to suit the teachings of Constantine, or
whatever others anonymously changed the text. With the power that the Roman
Catholic Church had over the text for as long as they had it, one would think
that it had been adjusted, it would continue to have been adjusted to suit the
teachings of the time.
me note here that I am not saying that Mary is the Queen of Heaven. I’m just
pointing out that if adjustments were made, adjustments would have continued to
have been made. In fact, if you read a Catholic Bible and a non-Catholic Bible,
you may find a few changes, but I doubt you will find the major changes that
people claim. No one would have thought that manuscripts could be found that would
reveal the truth of the changes. Without the printing press, the normal citizen
would not have had a text with which to compare it. It would have been an easy
change, and the Roman Catholic Church, with all its power, could easily have
considered itself qualified to make such changes.
the text of Scripture does not elevate Mary. It does speak of Jesus as the Son
of God and of Jesus as Lord. That at least suggests to me that the text of
Scripture was considered inviolable, sacred before any of the supposed changes
were made. To make things worse, we have pieces of manuscript of Romans dated
around 200 AD. In fact, we have pieces
of Scripture and quotes from Scripture dating far enough back that if such
changes were made later, we would know it. We know there are thousands of
variations in the text. Most of them are spelling or transcription errors that
do not alter the meaning of the text. They are the equivalent of someone
spelling Romans, R-O-M-I-N-S. There simply is no substantive evidence of the
sorts of changes people claim were made.
is no reason to assert that Paul did not believe Jesus to be the Son of God, or
that he did not believe the resurrection took place. Instead, what we have is
suggestions that X might be, and since X might be, we believe X, and since we
believe it, it was. Watch so-called scientific documentaries. It’s the same
process over and over.
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