I keep my
eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. (Psalm 16:8)
Suppose you were a weakling, incapable of fighting the
bullies in your life, whether those bullies are people or circumstances.
Chances are good that you would be careful about where you went, afraid that
the bullies would show up. No, imagine that for some crazy reason that you just
don’t get, a big, strong, capable person came along and dedicated himself/herself
to protect you. Would it change how you felt about the bullies? It would mine.
I might even become more obnoxious and bull-headed (if that’s possible.)
That is one way to understand today’s passage. If you have
God on your side, nothing else matters. The second way involves our defective
spiritual eyesight. We like to think we can see just fine, but the truth is
that we’re blind. We can’t see clearly what is around us. What we think is good
often turns out to be bad, and vice versa, and we can’t see the future.
Some blind folks use canes or seeing-eye dogs. They are helpful,
I’m sure, but not as much help as a person with whom the blind folks can
communicate more fully. With God at our right hand, we don’t need to worry
about not being able to see the future. He’s got that covered.
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