The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” (Deuteronomy 31:8)
Then He asked me, “Do you really
think you’re keeping Me from doing something more important?”
The point isn’t that I’m important,
but that He is God, and can spend a leisurely afternoon holding my hand while I
feel miserable without neglecting the excitement of one particular electron so
that it moves out into the outer shell and can therefore somehow bond or be exchanged
or whatever is necessary for some bit of quantum physics or chemistry to take
place or the arrangement some matter of
international relations to suit His purposes. He has all day to spend with me,
whether I’m sick or taking on the universe. Sad to say, I’m more likely to invite
Him to my sick bed than to my universe bashing. And He can spend the day with
you without missing any of the rest.
We think too small when we imagine what
God can do. It’s like we’re playing two dimensional chess on a four dimensional
board that adds up and down and now and later to the mix.
Of course, the problem with illness
is that we want to be God, which means never getting sick. Or if we get sick,
we want a miraculous cure. What if Jesus just wants to sit by your bedside and
hold your hand? We don’t have time for that. We have things to do that won’t
get done while our sinuses ache from inflammation and our backs and ribs ache
from having coughed too many times. As tears fall because it’s Christmas time
and I can’t sing the songs I’ve waited the year to sing, He says to listen to
the angels sing, and to listen to Him sing. None of these things will cause Him
to forsake us. He has all day, and all eternity.
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