My plan was to leave bright and early Monday morning (9 am.) You know
the old saying about "the best laid plans of mice and men," right? Uh
huh. I was up by 6:15. We were all
packed and ready to go. All we had to do is get the motor home's engine started.
It started, and spewed antifreeze and water all over everything. I think Dad
got it started one more time and it spewed again. Then after some arguing, he
finally agreed to call a tow truck.
when I happened to remember that he has an RV road service plan. We found his
information, but I couldn't get my new phone to work right so I had to borrow a
neighbor's phone. They said they'd be out within an hour. I believe he did make
it there in an hour. Keep in mind that this tow truck is used to haul motor
homes and semis and the like. It was a big vehicle. He got the motor home
hooked up, then I climbed up in the cab to provide directions. It took more
time to hitch and unhitch than it did to drive it over to storage. The plan is
supposed to be roadside emergency towing to the nearest repair facility
At about 11:50, we left the resort (without checking out. Oops.) Then I
spent the next 24 hours and 30 minutes driving the path my GPS directed. One of
the positives is that I listened to the Bible on CD for most of the trip. When
I got to Florida last October, I had listened to Genesis through the first half
of Ruth. On the way home, I got to the end of Ecclesiastes.
we reached Pennsylvania, I called the water and gas companies to get those utilities
turned back on. Unfortunately, they "don't do same day calls." The
guys could have been sitting on their hands, but they couldn't come until Wednesday. On the good side, I
went to the store and bought 2 space heaters at $7 each on clearance. The not
so good side of that is that one of our circuit breakers seems to be popping if
we try to run more than one thing on that particularly circuit. When it pops,
we have no power in either bedroom and no lights in the bathroom.
The next bit of fun is that I called to have cable internet installed
because otherwise I have to go to a coffee house, or the library, or some other
WiFi hotspot to check my e-mail, etc. The water guy is supposed to be here
around 8 am on Wednesday. The gas guy between 8 am and noon on Wednesday, and
the cable internet guy around 10 on Wednesday.
Once they're gone, we have the fun of getting re-established. I hope by
the end of the day to have a functional house and to feel something resembling human
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