The heart is
more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick; Who can understand it? (Jeremiah 17:9 NASB)
The heart is deceitful above all
things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? (Jeremiah
This is
the verse I was looking for when I found the passage in Isaiah I shared
yesterday. It comes to mind when I hear people talking about their hearts. They
believe in their hearts...feel in their hearts... and therefore it must be
true, or at least far superior to whatever might be found in their heads. They
exalt the heart, and exult in the heart. The feelings of romance and feelings
of love - mere sentimentality - are all that are necessary to make something
good, no matter how twisted and vile it might be. "But I love
him/her" does not justify doing something that is wrong. Neither does
"my heart was in the right place." I'm not suggesting that the mind
is as pure as the heart is perverse. They are both flawed and broken.
In a
video series I watched last fall (PovertyCure), a priest spoke of the
earthquake in Haiti, and his immediate heart-ache to send them aid. He said
that he had to stop himself and consider what they actually needed instead of
simply reacting because his initial
response would not have met their real needs. The same video series showed how
well-meaning people responding from the heart
harm the economies of the areas they send aid. They make things worse in
their generosity of heart.
The best
guide for our actions and beliefs is the Word of God, which does not change the
way our hearts and minds do. It does not lead us astray as sentiment does.
On The Calendar Palm
Sunday and Vernal Equinox
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