Praise be to the LORD, for he has heard my cry for mercy.
(Psalm 28:6)
Mercy, pity, charity... what
is your thought about your need for these? Do you need them, or are they
something "those" folks need? You know, the people who are really
evil, poor, needy, weak...those pathetic people, the ones who need the opiate
of the masses (religion), or who have mental health issues, or addictions, or a
different world view.... I know I prefer to believe I don't need mercy when I'm
feeling in control, but when things aren't going my way, I cry for mercy like
an infant who needs a nap.
Sometimes, it seems as if
some people have a formula for how pathetic someone has to be to need mercy. If
you think you've got it bad, think of how horrible things are for this person,
or that group. Get some perspective,
we're told. My response is that "I'm sorry I fail to meet that persons
minimum standard for mercy or compassion."
There are others who feed on
mercy. Some think that mercy means that they get to be or to do whatever they
want. Allowances must be made for them
because they are "oppressed." For these folks, there is no maximum
standard, no point beyond which mercy may be withheld. Everyone deserves
endless mercy.
Praise God for His wisdom
and His mercy. He doesn't make us measure up to a standard before we can
receive mercy, nor does He allow people to escape responsibility. He knows how
much mercy we need, and when the mercy
that we need is the answer, "No." Praise Him for the mercy of
"Yes" and the mercy of "No."
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