For a man’s ways
are in full view of the LORD, and
he examines all his paths. The evil deeds of a wicked man ensnare him; the
cords of his sin hold him fast. He will die for lack of discipline, led astray
by his own great folly. (Proverbs 5:21-23)
watched the first few minutes of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s talk on his five rules
of success. The first rule was to have a clear vision of what you want to
accomplish. I’d always figured that his body building was his vision, and that
movie-making was the answer to “So now what do I do?” He said that the movie-making
was always part of the plan. He kept that plan in mind, working out for hours
every day. He had discipline.
Psychiatrist Viktor Frankl put it a little differently. He said that if you know your why, you can handle the how. Too often, my whys get mixed up. I want to please the Lord, who sees all that I do. His paths are paths of discipline. But I also want to please myself. As for my paths, remember the * in my post a couple days ago? Tigger is more likely to bounce in a disciplined direction than I am sometimes. It’s why this blog is called Mission Faithwalk, and still more the reason my prayer request is WDA (Wisdom, Direction, Attitude.)
What it comes down to is this – when we are keeping our eyes on the prize of the upward call in Christ Jesus, when we are running the race set before us with a cloud of witnesses cheering us on, we must remember what our goal is. We need to know our why and it needs to be a strong enough why to keep us going when the going gets tough, but also to keep our focus when the going is easy.
Psychiatrist Viktor Frankl put it a little differently. He said that if you know your why, you can handle the how. Too often, my whys get mixed up. I want to please the Lord, who sees all that I do. His paths are paths of discipline. But I also want to please myself. As for my paths, remember the * in my post a couple days ago? Tigger is more likely to bounce in a disciplined direction than I am sometimes. It’s why this blog is called Mission Faithwalk, and still more the reason my prayer request is WDA (Wisdom, Direction, Attitude.)
What it comes down to is this – when we are keeping our eyes on the prize of the upward call in Christ Jesus, when we are running the race set before us with a cloud of witnesses cheering us on, we must remember what our goal is. We need to know our why and it needs to be a strong enough why to keep us going when the going gets tough, but also to keep our focus when the going is easy.
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