As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in
which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and
of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in
those who are disobedient. All of us also lived among them at one
time, gratifying the cravings of our flesh and following its
desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature deserving of wrath. (Ephesians 2:1-3)
know some people who would have us believe that all we need to do to have heaven
on earth is to come together, to give up our extremism and “love” one another. Of
course, what the term “love” means may not be what you think it means. I know it’s
not what I think it means, but I get a little feisty when it comes to
definitions. We need to cooperate. We need to stop being so divisive, so polarized,
so extreme….
we turn from looking at the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, to looking at
ourselves and another trinity: the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the flesh,
and the world. Again, we’re brought back to the fact that there is not one
group of people living on this planet, but two. The difference between them is
polarized. It’s extreme. It’s political.
not saying that the political situation in our country is a direct and literal
representation of the spiritual political situation. I’m not going to agree
with anyone that the members of one American political party are the members of
one spiritual political party, because I think there’s a mix. I’m just saying
that the American political situation does mirror the spiritual political
situation in that it’s polarized, extreme and political. And, since God is on
one side in the spiritual political situation, I think it’s wise, and even
vitally critical that we pay close attention to what those two sides are, and perhaps
adjust our American political thinking accordingly.
are two parties in the spiritual dispute. One side is led by the Father, the
Son, and the Holy Spirit. The other side is led by the Devil, the flesh, and
the world. I describe them that way instead of the world, the flesh, and the Devil
because I think it’s a better parallel at the moment. Again, there are followers
of both the Holy and Unholy Trinities in both American political parties, so I’m
not talking about that. But when someone calls for unity, for everyone to “love”
one another and live in peace, for people to put aside their differences and
become one, for the realization of the song, Imagine, they are calling for us
to ignore the real, spiritual battle. This doesn’t mean that the followers of
the Unholy Trinity have any intention of ending their war and seeking peace
with God. No, it is a ploy by which those who follow the Holy Trinity are convinced
to lay down their weapons and lulled into a sense of complacency that leads to
their downfall.
I’m not advocating hating people who are viewed as being on the other side. I’m
not saying we should treat them as the enemy. What I am saying is that we have
enemies. We’ll come back to this topic later, but the key at the moment is that
we have enemies, and advocating for cooperation with, or unity with the Devil,
the flesh, or the world is a dangerous mistake. It might not lead to our death,
but it could cripple us. It is not something that God advocates…ever.
not interested in bridging into a discussion of the current American political
scene. However, there are those who are using it as a weapon in the spiritual
political battle. There are some who are saying that it is wrong to vote for an
American candidate who is clearly a sinner. My first answer to that is that
there is no American candidate who is not a sinner. My second answer is that my
vote for a sinful human is not a vote for sin, but a vote for a candidate whose
platform embraces sin is a problem. I could vote for a soldier who has killed
someone, but does not advocate decriminalizing murder. I could not vote for
someone who supports abortion.
key here is the issue of unity. Those who call for unity that involves compromise
of Scriptural teaching are actively pursuing the goals of the Devil, the flesh,
and the world. Clearly, today’s passage says that we are not to be united to
those. We were freed. Allying ourselves again is foolish. And those who don’t
make that distinction clear are doing no one any favors. We are called to separate from the world. Diversity, even polar diversity, is a good thing.
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