If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. (John 15:19)
begins a time of year in which the difference between the world and Christianity
should be abundantly clear. We’ll see comments that Jesus didn’t exist or that
Christmas is just stuff that Christians dragged into their culture because it made
pagans more willing to convert. We’ll see all the insanity of Black Friday,
drawn out for as long as the stores can milk it. People will stress over all
the details, over not getting all they wanted, over who said (or didn’t say)
what to whom, who wore (or didn’t wear) what, and trying to beat the Jones in
decorations or gift giving.
we live in the world, we can’t escape all of that. Those of us who work in
retail are a little more stuck than those who don’t, but I find myself trying
to figure out how to not get swept up in the world’s version of things and at
the same time, to be swept up in all that Christmas should be.
often, when we reject the world’s way, we seem to end up grumpy. When I worked I
retail before, I came to hate Christmas because of all the garbage the world brought
to it. It didn’t help that the corporation for which I worked seemed determined
to play the absolute worst Christmas/holiday/winter music they could find. The corporation
I work for now plays instrumental Christian, Christmas, and holiday music, but
I still found myself falling into the same routine of negative emotions,
especially as I see others buying multiple cartloads of ornaments and talking of
decorating nine-foot trees or having to participate in the competition between grandchildren
that requires that the gifts given be something the child will like, that costs
as much as the gift gotten for the other children, and that fit in the exact
same size box – but – it can’t be the same box, and it can’t be just a cardboard
box, it has to be purchased.
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