“Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you.” (Jeremiah 32:17)
The context for this
verse is Jeremiah’s purchase of a field. He gave the deeds to Baruch, son of
Neriah, his scriber, who put it in a clay pot to preserve it. After this, Jerusalem
falls to the Babylonians, and some of its best and brightest are taken to Babylon.
Israel was left in ruins, and would remain so for 70 years. Jeremiah had been
predicting the fate of Israel. I’m not sufficiently knowledgeable about Israel’s
history. I know that Babylonian exiles
returned to Israel, but whether Jeremiah or Baruch did is another matter.
Regardless, what is evident
from the context is that Jeremiah made arrangements for two steps in the
future. He knew hard times were coming, but they would end, and he
prepared with the end of the hard times in mind (at God’s direction.) The hard
times were an apocalypse for the nation of Israel, but it would end, and Israel
would once more be Israel. It is with this in mind that Jeremiah praised God.
It’s often suggested that
we should live in the present, but Jeremiah was living two steps into the
future and praising God because God could and would get someone to that second
step. He was investing in the future, and he trusted God to arrange it. We
need to be careful before we follow this pattern. Jeremiah was told that Israel
would return. He didn’t make the purchase to manipulate God into doing something.
He made the purchase believing what God had told him. And he made it without expecting to see any good come of it for himself.
I’m not suggesting any drama
here, but when facing changes or challenges, I wonder if we should start
looking two steps ahead and investing our faith in God, for whom nothing is
too hard.
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