Where there is no revelation, people cast off restraint; but blessed is the one who heeds wisdom’s instruction. (Proverbs 29:88 NIV)
Where there is no prophetic vision
the people cast off restraint, but blessed is he who keeps the law.
(Proverbs 29:18 ESV)
Yes, this is the same verse as
yesterday because this morning I have more to say about it than I did
yesterday. As vital as it is for us to develop a vision and a means of communicating
it effectively to others, it is also critical that we develop a vision that is strong
enough to inspire us. This is old news. I’ve mentioned Viktor Frankl’s idea
that when you have a why you can survive the how. When you have
an active, real goal, you’re more likely to reach it partly because you’ll keep
it in your thoughts and put more effort into achieving it.
Think of it this way: suppose you
have a day in which you feel the need to get the kitchen cleaned but have to
take the dog for a walk and harvest your garden first. You work your way
through the first two tasks because they free you to do the third, and you may
not complete the third, but you make good progress. Now, suppose you have a day
in which you know you have to take the dog for a walk and harvest the garden,
but don’t really have any ideas for the rest of the day. You float from this
thing to the next, and may end the day having accomplished little.
When it comes to our spiritual
lives, I suspect we float a lot. Yes, we may study Scripture, but are we
catching the vision of what God wants for us? Are we actively working toward
becoming more like Christ, or are we “leaving it up to God”? Is there anything
in God’s inspired Word that inspires us, or have we effectively gotten our tickets
to heaven and, well, life is life?
I think I tend to float. Oh, I do a
lot of stuff, but it’s busy work. It’s not connected to me beyond my doing it. Now,
this past weekend some directional bits- attending a church service I knew
would be all about “community” and not about teaching and going to a picnic. I
have a thing about community. I’m no good at it because I tend to have an
independent attitude, but I have a vision about community as a coming together
of individuals (rather than being about controlling others.) I keep wondering
what I’m supposed to do to build community, and God made the strong suggestion
that the next step is just to show up.
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