Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another.
Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your
brother’s way. (Romans 14:13)
you love the Lord, you'll share..." or "Share if you are not ashamed
of Jesus...."
"How can you not raise your
hands in worship?"
Then there are the various holidays and the greetings to
which we'll respond appropriately if we're really Christians. The seemingly unending list of things you must do
and must not do to prove you are a good Christian changes constantly.
When Paul wrote the letter to Romans
the debates were already raging. Some thought eating food used in sacrifices to
idols was worshipping the gods or goddesses to which it had been sacrificed.
Others said that was nonsense because the gods and goddesses in question didn't
actually exist. Some people were scrupulous about observing holidays. Others
apparently thought observing those holidays was somehow wrong.
This is the background to today's
passage. Paul wasn't telling anyone not to judge things that were
well-established as sins: adultery, lying, etc. He was interested in dealing
with questions within the Church, specifically things that could result in individuals or groups being denied
fellowship. "One another" does not refer to judging sin or even
judging those who are outside the Church. It's all about other Christians.
What Paul tells us is that instead of
judging one another, we should be judging ourselves, being careful that we don't
put things in the way of another Christian and causing him/her to sin or
preventing him/her from growing in his/her faith. It seems to me that we are
putting stumbling blocks out whenever we demand or prohibit performance as a
proof of Christianity and too often attempting to shame those we should be encouraging. It's easy to be a stumbling block. Determine to be a step instead.
Frank Lloyd Wright, George Stephenson (locomotive)
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