There are different kinds of gifts,
but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There
are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men. Now
to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. (I
Corinthians 12:4-7)
gift? For me? Ah, You shouldn't have." You're right, God shouldn't have
given me a gift for me, and He didn't. He gave me a gift for us, perhaps more
than one. It's so human to want gifts from God for our own good, or even for
our own pleasure or glory. I often want to be stronger or wiser, in order to
put a "so-and-so" in his place. I want the gift of prophecy or
teaching so I can say, "I told you so!" Of course, I don't
particularly want the response most of the prophets got. Even the gifts of
giving, hospitality or service would be nice, if I could become known for them.
Instead, we're called to be
"like God" who created the universe and placed us within it, and
seems to hide behind it, refusing to manifest Himself in the manner the
atheists demand (which means He refuses to stop being God), allowing things to
happen that He doesn't like and continuing to give us gifts (including those
things we don't like.) We are called to use our gifts not only for one another,
but for the "not one anothers." Sometimes we will be noticed and
rewarded. Other times, we will be noticed and punished (which is a sort of
reward, too.)
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