Any kingdom divided against itself is
laid waste; and a house divided against
itself falls. (Luke 11:17 b)
Over the weekend, a Muslim terrorist
murdered at least 50 people in Orlando, and another was prevented from
attacking a Pride event in Los Angeles. Recently, shoppers in Tel Aviv were
attacked, and a rape trial ended in a sentence that has enraged Americans. It
seems as if the world is overcome with senseless violence and the solutions to
it seem to be just as violent.
The call for us to all live in harmony
is by its nature reductionist. Their idea is correct. For there to be peace, we
must all submit ourselves to the greater whole. The problem is that the greater
wholes in question are by their nature divisive. The assumption is that no
thinking person could disagree with the result (peace) and therefore not
willingly pay the price by submitting to its dictates. What does one do with
those who aren't willing to pay the price? Just as importantly, what does one
do when the greater whole is itself divided and contradictory or the price
stated turns out to be a down payment?
Our peace is not dependent on our
circumstances (John 16:33). Our peace is contingent on our love for our enemies
and on praying for them (Matthew 5:44.) We are to return good for evil, even
with those who hate us return evil for good (I Thes 5:15.) Saving our lives is
of little value if it costs us our souls( Mark 8:34-37.)
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