Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. (Ephesians 5:21)
Can't you just hear the serpent hissing this most horrible of words? If you
listen to the serpent or the world, submission means groveling, allowing
yourself to be abused, denying yourself your own humanity. Nothing could be
worse than submission, could it?
Submission has never been a problem
for me, as long as things are going the way I want them to. The rest of the
time? Well, let's just say that while I don't know how to fight physically, I
don't know how to not fight mentally. One of the fights I've been having with
myself for years is about submission.
My first breakthrough took place on
a trip to a bookstore. As I walked into the store, my thoughts were very clear.
1) I was going to get a book and heaven help the person who tried to talk me
out of it, and 2) It was not going to be a diet book. Why I was so vehement
with myself about those issues that had not been raised, I don't know, but that
was the way it was going to be! As I walked out of the store with a diet book
in hand, God said, "Yes, Karen, but it will not work if you don't submit
to it." When I opened to the first chapter, it was about...submission.
While that book did very little good otherwise, it helped me understand. God
was right. If you don't submit to reality, you don't get the benefits of it.
Try to bake oatmeal raison cookies without oatmeal or raisins. Try to drive a
car without gas in the tank or with two tires missing. Try to breathe without
drawing oxygen into your lungs. Go ahead.
all of those have to do with simple reality. They should be easy to accept and
just live with, right? Try going on a diet. Try requiring yourself to accept one of those inconvenient
realities that denies you something you want. It's not as easy as it should be
even if it's not the same as submitting to another person. People aren't facts
or forces of nature. They're people, just like you and I are people. Everyone's
equal. The very notion that I, or you, should submit to another person is
un-American. It's outdated. It's dehumanizing. And remember, I don't know how
to not fight mentally, so it's a battlefield waiting to be bloodied.
Not long ago, a Christian celebrity
posted something about wives submitting to their husbands. I found myself
trying to figure out how to defend his Biblically correct statements from the
accusations I expected, particularly from my younger, non-Christian friends?
What do I say when 1) I'm not married and 2) I do submit well? What came to mind is changing me.
It's a simple idea. Things may have
been different in the past, but if the guy you (whoever you are) married is
such a low-life that he would treat you as badly as is described, if he would
permit (forget demand....permit) you to degrade yourself in the way described,
why did you marry him? If your boss is such a creep, why do you work there? If
any of these people or groups to which you are called to submit yourself are so
unacceptable in their demands, why are you in those relationships?
I know that there are people who are abused and who are abusive. I know there
are people who go from one abusive or inappropriate relationship to another. I
know that there are people who are afraid to try to escape. Are you one of
those people? If so, then find someone
to help you. Most of us are not. I don't think we need to accept the claim that
anyone who says she has a happy marriage is lying.
I'm going to be traditional and
suggest that most women get married because they love, or are in love with
their grooms. That love includes trust.
If he were not trustworthy, it would be foolish to marry him. If you
trust him, then what's the problem with letting him take the lead? The
objection is raised, "What about...?" But this question isn't being
asked of that person. It's being asked of you, and me. It's about how we
participate in the most important relationships in our lives. What's our
passage makes it a little clearer. Our submission is not just about our trust
of the people to whom we're submitting, it's about our trust in God. We don't
submit to husbands, bosses, or other leaders because God, or anyone else, is
standing over us with a club. We don't submit because it's easy or we've
checked our brains at the door. We submit because we trust that God is in
control, and if He is not worthy of that trust, then why are you a Christian?
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