The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him,
and I am helped. My
heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song. (Psalm 28:7)
This is one of those verses that I
think God put in Scripture to challenge people like me. Most folks probably
consider it a "warm and fuzzy" verse, in which they can wrap
themselves in God like a blanket and be cozy all day. I feel that same
coziness, but this is a treadmill verse.
What does "the LORD is my strength" mean? Is it nothing more than a metaphor, like His being my shield? I can understand the metaphor of God being my shield. Things that happen must go through Him and He prevents many things from reaching me. But strength? I would understand it if the passage says that the Lord gives strength, but what does it mean when someone or something is your strength? I suppose this is a case when we need to consider what the definition of "is" is.
To begin with, the modern translation isn't entirely technically accurate. The word is isn't there. Instead, we are given a series of appositives (noun, noun phrase, or series of nouns placed next to another word or phrase to identify or rename it.) "The Lord, my strength, my shield..." Even though is isn't, the use of appositives equates the terms. "The Lord equals/is my strength. He equals my shield.
The first meaning is "exist" or "be present." The very fact that God is strengthens me. The fact of His presence strengthens me. I can face the unfaceable because He exists. Putting aside the fact that if He didn't exist, we would not exist either, God's existence and presence can produce in us meaning and purpose. Those are powerful and strong. The fact that God is strengthens. Do you hear the echoes of the song, "Because He Lives"? I do.
The second meaning is "occur or take place." At the moment, I can't think of a way that this helps. The third meaning is "having the state, quality, identity, nature, role, etc." The fact that God exists and that He has the state, quality, identity, nature, role, etc. of God strengthens. There are lots of different "gods" and idols I could look to in times of trouble. Most of them are clearly made in the image of man. They didn't create the universe, they lack character, omniscience, omnipresence, omnipotence, eternality (they may "live forever" but they were born) and their interactions with people are incidental. There's nothing about them that produces strength. That may be part of the reason that so many cultures had so many gods, because none of them were strong enough to do it all.
My online dictionary says that is may be related to a Greek term meaning "bring forth, cause to grow." God being brings forth or grows strength that is beyond my own capability. He causes what I cannot, and of course, I cannot consider the question of "is" without being reminded that He is Yahweh, the "I Am." He is the one and only Is - all else becomes. All else comes into being and/or reaches and end. My strength waxes and wanes like the moon. His strength is the sun, shining even when we cannot see it. Even that metaphor is flawed, because the sun had a beginning and will have an end. God is greater. That knowledge strengthens.
So our second day of thankfulness in 2016 is thankfulness that He is strength. He is a shield. Leap with joy (do a computer chair dance) and express your thankfulness in song... (feel free to change "lives" is "is.")Because He [IS]
What does "the LORD is my strength" mean? Is it nothing more than a metaphor, like His being my shield? I can understand the metaphor of God being my shield. Things that happen must go through Him and He prevents many things from reaching me. But strength? I would understand it if the passage says that the Lord gives strength, but what does it mean when someone or something is your strength? I suppose this is a case when we need to consider what the definition of "is" is.
To begin with, the modern translation isn't entirely technically accurate. The word is isn't there. Instead, we are given a series of appositives (noun, noun phrase, or series of nouns placed next to another word or phrase to identify or rename it.) "The Lord, my strength, my shield..." Even though is isn't, the use of appositives equates the terms. "The Lord equals/is my strength. He equals my shield.
The first meaning is "exist" or "be present." The very fact that God is strengthens me. The fact of His presence strengthens me. I can face the unfaceable because He exists. Putting aside the fact that if He didn't exist, we would not exist either, God's existence and presence can produce in us meaning and purpose. Those are powerful and strong. The fact that God is strengthens. Do you hear the echoes of the song, "Because He Lives"? I do.
The second meaning is "occur or take place." At the moment, I can't think of a way that this helps. The third meaning is "having the state, quality, identity, nature, role, etc." The fact that God exists and that He has the state, quality, identity, nature, role, etc. of God strengthens. There are lots of different "gods" and idols I could look to in times of trouble. Most of them are clearly made in the image of man. They didn't create the universe, they lack character, omniscience, omnipresence, omnipotence, eternality (they may "live forever" but they were born) and their interactions with people are incidental. There's nothing about them that produces strength. That may be part of the reason that so many cultures had so many gods, because none of them were strong enough to do it all.
My online dictionary says that is may be related to a Greek term meaning "bring forth, cause to grow." God being brings forth or grows strength that is beyond my own capability. He causes what I cannot, and of course, I cannot consider the question of "is" without being reminded that He is Yahweh, the "I Am." He is the one and only Is - all else becomes. All else comes into being and/or reaches and end. My strength waxes and wanes like the moon. His strength is the sun, shining even when we cannot see it. Even that metaphor is flawed, because the sun had a beginning and will have an end. God is greater. That knowledge strengthens.
So our second day of thankfulness in 2016 is thankfulness that He is strength. He is a shield. Leap with joy (do a computer chair dance) and express your thankfulness in song... (feel free to change "lives" is "is.")Because He [IS]
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