keep thinking I should be working on other things, but I seem to need to
process this. It's a momentous occasion. One friend used the word
flabbergasted. One word that comes to mind for me is "stunned." I did
not want Mr. Trump to win. I didn't want Mrs. Clint to win even more. I knew it
was possible for either. Another word is "relieved." I'm not relieved
that he won, but that she lost. I have
to admit, I was surprised that Pennsylvania, Florida and Washington (state)
went in Mr. Trump's direction. I'm not surprised by most of the rest, except,
perhaps, New Mexico.
also relieved because the election showed me that there are more sensible,
practical people in our country than I gave it credit for having. I know that
Liberals are already talking about how hateful the country is going to be come,
but I don't think the vote represents anger and hatefulness. I think and I
hope, it represents sanity.
can't say that I trust that Mr. Trump is even try to do half of what he's
promised. I'm not sure I want him to do some of what he promised, but there are
things I believe can happen now. We can heal. We can restore. We can stop being
lab rats for social "mad scientists."
word that describes how I feel is "afraid." I am very afraid not of
what Mr. Trump will do (though there may be reason to feel concern about
that) but of what people will do. I am
concerned that some will turn to violence. Already this morning, I've heard one
person speak positively of the notion of a civil war or of an assassination -
someone I would not have expected to hate so much. I am also concerned that the
people who are looking to Mr. Trump for a return to sanity and decency in this
country will now sit back and "let" Mr. Trump "fix" things.
those hate-filled people who are looking to violence to solve their problems: I
forgive you, and I pray for you. If this country is going to be filled with
violence, you will have to participate in it, and my heart grieves that you would
do so. It grieves that you would even accept it as a necessary thing. To those
who are think you can relax, that everything is going to be OK because the
government is going to "do the right thing: Wake up! The whole point of
this election was to show that the government is not the solution to our
problems. It is time for Conservatives, and Christians (two groups, not
mutually exclusive but not the same) to wake up, smell the coffee and get to
work in our lives and in the lives of other individuals - other people. Extend
a hand, don't shake a fist. Love. Don't hate. Forgive. Work.
myself and to anyone else that can be helped by it: all of what I've just said
to everyone else plus this: be strong and courageous. It is time to get to
work, and that work involves other people. I know you want to hide somewhere,
or to be invisible, but that is not an option. Your people need you to speak
grace and truth. I know you think you're weak and cowardly, but they need your
love, strength and courage.
thinking needs to be done, but much doing, too. Begin with the obvious. Be
willing to take a chance on Mr. Trump and on people around you.
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