From the lips of
children and infants you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to
silence the foe and the avenger (Psalm 8:2)
Kids aren't the sort of people who are
generally credited with wisdom or eloquence. You might use a kid as a spokesman
for the cuteness factor, but I doubt there are many people who would go to an
auditorium to listen to a two year old give a lecture. I certainly wouldn't want
to pay for the tuition credits to take a course with a four year old
instructor. I wouldn't seek financial advice from a six year old or medical
recommendations from an eight year old. At the same time, kids sometimes see
through the nonsense that adults don't and they sometimes have not developed
the filter that adults have, so things are said that are not politically
correct or socially polite. This is why most leaders, especially those of the
time this passage was written, would not seek such praise. It is precisely the
opposite of what was expected and the sort of thing for which a ruler would
have been ridiculed. That is the first thing that makes this passage
The second thing is the use to
which the children's praise is put. It is their "eye witness"
testimony in a court hearing. As C.S.
Lewis put it, God is "in the dock." He's on trial and it's a
capital case. There were a number of cities in Israel to which someone who had
killed another person accidentally could flee. A member of the dead person's
family could come to the refuge city and plead his case that the killer should
be turned over to him so that he could avenge his dead relative. Elsewhere, the
Israelites were told that a matter had to be judged on the basis of two or more
witnesses. Women and children were not considered good witnesses. The witnesses
speaking in God's favor were not socially or legally acceptable, and yet they
are precisely the witnesses that silence the ones making the accusations.
So, when you are tempted to think
that you don't make an effective witness for God and that you don't know enough
to speak on His behalf when someone judges Him unfairly, remember, infants and
children can silence His accusers and so can you. In fact, you'll probably be
better at it than someone who seems to be qualified.
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