In love he predestined us for adoption
to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and
will— to the praise of his glorious grace, which he
has freely given us in the One he loves. (Ephesians 1:4b-6)
done my rant on predestination, we can continue with the verses in question.
Yes, we’re predestined, but look at the modifier: “In love.” Often, when people struggle
with the idea of predestination, they speak of it as if the purpose of
predestination is sinister. But according to our passage, predestination,
whether it is you who are predestined to adoption to sonship, or those who are
saved (of which you happen to be one) are predestined to adoption to sonship,
the goal is blessing to all – even those who are not saved – through the lives
of those who are saved.
He loves you, He predestined you to sonship. Because He loves those who aren’t
saved, He predestined you to sonship, so that He can love them through you. His pleasure, and His will, is to love people
as much as they will allow Him to love them.
have to admit, this part is difficult for me. I spent most of my life seeing God
as displeased with me. If He loved me at all (and I couldn’t imagine why He
would,) He loved me only because He’s God, and that’s His job. That’s the rule.
God loves; therefore, God must love me. The logic is incontrovertible. But that
didn’t mean He had to like it. In fact, there have been times when I’ve hated
God because God’s love for me was as just one of the many.
“in love… in
accordance with his pleasure and will…he has freely given us…” Scripture says He doesn’t
love us because He’s God, and that’s part of His job description. He adopts as
to sonship in love…in according with His pleasure and will…freely. It bothers
me when people say things like, “He’s crazy about you,” but His love is
eternal, it brings Him pleasure. He’s not passive about it, nor is He stingy.
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