Do you not know that you are a temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? If anyone destroys the temple of God, God will destroy that person; for the temple of God is holy, and that is what you are. (I Corinthians 3:16-17)
temple is where a (supposed) god regularly meets man, a place of worship,
sacrifice, judgment, and performance of duty. It’s also a place where others
can see what the god associated with the temple is like – often
because there is an image of the god there. What one generally doesn’t find
there is anything that displeases the god. Jews used to burn human bones on
altars to foreign gods so they couldn’t be used anymore. Other altars were set
up in the temple in Jerusalem, and Antiochus Epiphanes sacrificed one or more
pigs on the altar in Jerusalem, desecrating it.
if you and I individually, or we collectively, are a temple of God, and the
Spirit of God dwells in us, we must be a place in which worship, sacrifice,
judgment, and performance of duty take place. For some, this tends to mean that
other folks need to give up drinking, smoking, sleeping around, indulging in
pornography, or taking drugs. Some would add using foul language, dancing, and
playing cards or gambling to that list. And those who feel the sting of those judgments
might justifiably point out the excesses of weight carried by those who make
the long list. Suffice it to say that in any way that what is brought into your
temple separates you from God or takes precedence over God, it desecrates your
let’s consider it a little more closely. If you don’t do any of those things
that actively desecrate the temple but don’t care for it, you’ll still destroy it. If you absent yourself from it or neglect it, you’re
destroying it. You're still destroying the temple if you do all the right things but do them for the wrong reasons. You were made in the image of God,
so the more you resemble God, the more your temple has an image that shows others what God is like. Similarly, the
less resemblance you have to Him, the more you desecrate the temple. That’s why
we need to be holy.
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