I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing
with the
glory that will be revealed in us. (Romans 8:18)
Suffering has a bad reputation at the
moment. Maybe it always has. There are few who want to suffer - not really
suffer. I'm no different so I'm not pointing fingers. Suffering stinks. Suffering
just because you exist or because you aren't part of the "in" or
"PC" crowd is really the pits. Part of the reason for the current bad
reputation, I think, is that people don't have good examples for how to suffer.
The good examples are out there, but people don't know about them. Instead, our
minds are filled with the heroics of those who rise up against suffering and
give those who inflicted the suffering a super-sized taste of their own
medicine. Karma delivered the victim is the name of the game today, even among
some Christians.
We don't learn from history.
Christians suffered under Roman rule for several centuries, quietly,
persistently arguing for justice. They suffered so well that the Romans lost
their joy in seeing them suffer. Roman bloodlust became shameful. The
gladiatorial games ended. The practice of crucifixion ended. There are examples
throughout history. Within the past 100 years, the early Civil Rights Movement
sought justice for all Americans through civil disobedience and peaceful
demonstrations, and brought about huge change for good without raising a fist.
Martin Luther King, Jr. taught his followers that the suffering they endured
would bring about the glory of a day in which men would be judged by the
content of their character, not the color of their skin. We now celebrate a
national holiday in his honor even though his dream is not yet fulfilled.
No, it is not good to suffer, but suffering can
do good. It can do more good than not suffering ever did. When it does, the
suffering isn't worth comparing with the glory of the good that comes from it,
by it, through it, or because of it. That good may not be seen in the lifetime
of the one who suffers but though we may only see it through a glass darkly, it
is worth the suffering.
Birthday of Rene
Theophile Laennec (Stethoscope)
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