did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful man to be a sin offering.
so he condemned sin in sinful man,
in order that the righteous requirements of
the law might be fully met in us,
who do not live according to the
sinful nature but according to the Spirit. (Romans 8:3b-4)
kills. It may not kill all at once, but it kills. The sin offering required of
the Jews made that clear. The sinner had to kill an animal that had not sinned
in order to make up for their sins. It couldn't be just any sacrifice. The more
socially visible and responsible the sinner, the bigger the sacrifice had to
be. They had to examine it and make sure that it was perfect. No defects
allowed. Imagine examining a goat to make sure it was perfect, all the while
knowing that it had done nothing and that either it or you had to die because
of something you did. It had to be sacrificed by a priest who was also
physically whole. No defects allowed. The priest also had to be ceremonially
clean. (I have to wonder if anyone ever asked the priests, or whether they took
it for granted.) Examined, perfect, innocent animal dying at the hands of a
perfect, ceremonially innocent priest so you could continue to live.
Then Jesus came. Because He was examined,
perfect and innocent, He could be the sacrifice. He was not dead, and so could offer His life.
Because He was a man and both perfect and clean, He could offer the sacrifice.
Because He is God, He did not stay dead. He met the requirements of the Law that
we could not, but once they have been met, the Law is replaced by something
better: the Spirit.
There are those who say that all
religions are the same, that other ways than Jesus are just as good. What they
have in common is that they all leave that sacrifice up to us. Christianity is
the only one that makes the sacrifice for us. It is the only one whose leader
came back from the dead to prove it works. It is the only one that I know of
that gives the Spirit as a seal or proof.
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