The creation waits in eager
expectation for the sons of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected
to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected
it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to
decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God. We know
that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right
up to the present time (Romans 8:19-22)
Energy decreases. Disorder
increases. Information is corrupted or lost. Yes, that can describe old age
because "old age" is an example of entropy. Want to sound impressive
to your friends? The Second Law of Thermodynamics basically says that in a
closed system, energy decreases, disorder increases. While I haven't read it
specifically, in the process of energy decreasing and disorder increasing, information
must be lost. I believe Isaac Asimov was the scientist I heard say that the
universe would freeze to death. Over time, entropy will supposedly cause the
universe to reach a point where the whole universe will be at the same temperature:
near absolute zero(-459oF/-267oC - and people complain
about our cold winters!)
was subjected to frustration. It was placed in bondage to decay. God subjected
the universe to entropy. This was done so that it could be brought into the
freedom of the children of God. Most people stand in awe of the beauty of
nature. These verses set me wondering. What if entropy is a result of our sin?
Of course it is, but think about it. All of the glory we see is either the
result of the universe being held in check, or perhaps even of the universe
being broken. Can you imagine what it would be like whole and free?
I'm finding I can't imagine
it. Would there be no mountains? Mountains are the result of the crust of the
earth being made of "plates" and the broken places where those plates
meet push upwards. Are they the result of a broken earth? Or would a free earth
have even greater mountains? Would there be clear blue skies and 80o temperatures?
I hope not. I like snow, I love sunsets that are made beautiful by clouds and I
like thunderstorms. Or would we have stronger storms and more glorious sunsets?
Would the aurora borealis disappear, or be a world-wide celestial show? I love
that last idea.
I don't know. I wonder
if we could survive if it were what it could be. All I know is that right now,
it's not what it could be, and it won't be what it could be until the children
of God are revealed to be what they will be. The universe is sitting in the audience,
waiting for the curtain to rise. The star of the show is God, but you're part
of the supporting cast that the universe is waiting to see.
Birthday of
Solomon Rabinowicz
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