Then they
said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the
heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves and not be scattered over the
face of the whole earth.” (Genesis 11:4)
Today is the anniversary of the first
manned orbit of the earth by Yuri Gregarin and the first launch of the space
shuttle, Columbia. Both of these are
considered bright moments in our exploration of space. Space, in America
depicted as the "final frontier," mankind's manifest destiny at last
being fulfilled. We've been searching for extra-terrestrial life for decades.
Now, with each discovery of each exo-world, there is a stir of excitement. Will
this be the planet that will be enough like ours that we will find that
"someone else" for whom we've longed?
There are people who seem to think that finding life out
there will put the final nail in the coffin of Christianity - perhaps of
religion as a whole. They don't realize that they are treating this unknown
ET as their god - placing all their
hopes for solving what they believe are the problems of mankind in this (as
yet) figment of their imaginations. If we were to discover life elsewhere, they
are sure it will be like ET or Mr. Spock, not Alien or The Thing. They hope to
build a technological "stairway to heaven" in order to bring back
down to earth their chosen godling.
This is precisely the way the people
of a plain in Shinar felt. The whole world was not enough for them. They wanted
a special place that was all theirs, from which they could build a tower to the
heavens. Some say that stairway to heaven was to designed to bring God (or
"the gods") down to us. I would say it was to allow us to ascend to
be among "the gods," as one of them. Either way, it was the same
mistake they are making now, the same arrogance.
I'm not opposed to
space exploration, but I am certain that the romantic dreams of mankind will
not find their fulfillment there, even if we solve some of the problems dealing
with our finite resources. We are like the man in South Africa, spending years
and a great deal of money trying to find the diamonds on which his dreams
depended, but never bothering to look in his own yard. We are like the woman
searching for "Mr. Right," never noticing the shy glances of the man
next door. We search the heavens in hopes of finding our manifest destiny and
our "someone else" who will be the answer to our hopes - never
noticing that the heavens declare the glory of God, or that He has already come
down to us.
On the Calendar
Fort Sumter Day (1861)
On the Calendar
Fort Sumter Day (1861)
First manned orbit of
Earth (Yuri Gregarin, 1961)
Space Shuttle Columbia Day (first launch)
Interestingly, I found this on Facebook today: