Title: The Way of Kings
Author: Brandon Sanderson
Publisher: Macmillan Audiobooks
Copyright: 2010
Stars: 4
36 CDs
This is a massive story with two narrators. In the two narrators is my major complaint with the book. The male narrator called one of the characters Sa dee-us. The female narrator called him Se DEE-us. My other irritation with the story has to do with the flora and fauna. I can't fault him for it, I just don't happen to think it a good choice.
The story itself is told from lots of different POVs and jumps around the world's timeline with comparative abandon. I love the complexity of the story. I also liked Mr. Sanderson's level of knowledge of technical items (e.g. parts of a suit of armor) and his level of development of Roshar. I want to write a story this big someday, but I have a lot of world-making to do before I can do it.
Author: Brandon Sanderson
Publisher: Macmillan Audiobooks
Copyright: 2010
Stars: 4
36 CDs
This is a massive story with two narrators. In the two narrators is my major complaint with the book. The male narrator called one of the characters Sa dee-us. The female narrator called him Se DEE-us. My other irritation with the story has to do with the flora and fauna. I can't fault him for it, I just don't happen to think it a good choice.
The story itself is told from lots of different POVs and jumps around the world's timeline with comparative abandon. I love the complexity of the story. I also liked Mr. Sanderson's level of knowledge of technical items (e.g. parts of a suit of armor) and his level of development of Roshar. I want to write a story this big someday, but I have a lot of world-making to do before I can do it.
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