I saw heaven standing open and there before
me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he
judges and makes war
(Revelation 19:11)
"Nobody cares how much you know
until they know how much you care." I've heard this and other comments
like it for years. It's one-handed thinking in a world where two hands can
accomplish so much more. In today's passage, Jesus is described as having both
hands: He is Faithful and True. Love and Truth. Relationship and Reality. It is because He is both
that He can judge with justice. It is because He is both that He makes war.
We are made in the image of God. We reflect something of Him, imperfectly, incompletely, but reflect none the less. You might be more of the faithfulness, the love, the relationship hand. I might be more of the true, truth, reality hand. Together we are a better reflection and can better accomplish His will.
We are made in the image of God. We reflect something of Him, imperfectly, incompletely, but reflect none the less. You might be more of the faithfulness, the love, the relationship hand. I might be more of the true, truth, reality hand. Together we are a better reflection and can better accomplish His will.
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