this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife,
and the two will become one flesh.” This is a profound mystery—but I am talking
about Christ and the church. However, each one of you also must love his wife as
he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband. (Ephesians 5:31-33)
this blog post may be dangerous to your PC health.
Some people have said that the
reason that so-called homosexual marriage is wrong is that a (possibly the) goal
of marriage is the production of children, which is not possible for
homosexuals without aid. That is one natural argument against it, but Scripture
gives a different answer. Paul tells us in today’s passage that the (possibly
a) purpose of marriage is to illustrate the relationship between Christ and the
A Man, who is the Son, left His Father,
to be united to His wife, and the two will become one in some mysterious way.
The closest parallel is the marriage relationship. God does not “marry” God. The
whole point is the relationship between two who are different. Life comes from Him and is given to the Church, which bears it and gives birth to more life that is
a product of both.
This can’t happen in a relationship that is “homosexual,” whether meaning God-God, man-man, or
woman-woman. There are other common-sense biological factors that show homosexuality
to be less than an optimal relational pattern, but the point this morning is
that giving something the name “marriage” that specifically rejects this
purpose is wrong. You may think I'm wrong, but you've no right to impose your beliefs on me.
Now, of course, I don’t expect those who aren’t Christians to accept this. There are Christians, who seem
to me to be more worried about the opinions and feelings of man than they are
about the opinions and feelings of their Heavenly Father – and that’s their
right. Homosexuals have the same right that I do to live as they choose, even
if that choice is a conscious parody or mockery of what I hold dear. They are
human beings and deserve to be treated as one of those who bear the image of
the Living God What they don’t have is the right to command that I agree with
them either in word or in deed, or that I approve or celebrate their cultural appropriation.
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