The Lord your God will raise up
for you a prophet like me from among you, from your fellow Israelites. You
must listen to him. For this is what you asked of the Lord your God at Horeb on the day of the assembly when you said,
“Let us not hear the voice of the Lord our
God nor see this great fire anymore, or we will die.” (Deuteronomy 18:15-16)
“God is too
intimidating. If He talks to us, we’ll die” That’s what the Israelites told
Moses and Moses had accepted the argument. Forty years later, he reminded the
new generation of Israelites what their fathers had said as he spoke about what
would happen after he was gone.
Just as Adam and Eve
likely look at each son born for signs that he was the one who would crush the
serpent’s head, I suspect the Israelites looked at Joshua and the judges who
followed them, hoping that he would be the prophet like Moses. After a while, I
suspect they gave up. God renewed the concept by telling David that his son
would be king forever. David thought it would be Solomon, but he failed. The
Israelites were still looking for a descendant of David to come.
Moses tells us just a
little about this one who would come. He would be a prophet like Moses. Moses
spoke with God, and God with him. Moses did almost all that God asked and
demanded. He would be a descendant of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel. He would also
either be someone among those who left Egypt or one of their descendants.
The most important thing
that this one who came after Moses would do would be to act as an intermediary
between God and Israel. As God’s intermediary, it would be vitally important
that the Israelites did a better job of listening to Him than they had done of
listening to Moses.
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