In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. (John 1:1)
This is one of those verses that can make you say, “Huh?” With
some people, and in some times or cultures, one’s word is significant. Even if they
don’t say, “I give my word,” they can be depended on to do what they said
they’re going to do. And I suspect that the wisest of them are slow to give
their words, explicitly or implicitly as a result. Others of us are quick to
speak, and therefore quick to entangle ourselves in messes. I suspect that God
is not one of the jabberers, but I also suspect that most of us make
assumptions about His Word. We begin with “You may ask me
for anything in my name, and I will do it.” (John 14:14) Then we
add “In Jesus’ name” at the end of our prayers and get miffed when God doesn’t
give us what we asked in Jesus’ name, amen.
To ask something in Jesus’ name requires thought and wisdom
because the idea involves being Jesus’ word, just as Jesus is God’s Word. As Dallas
Willard put it, the goal is for us to become the sort of people to whom God can
give whatever we want, because what we want is in line with what He wants. We
must also ask in the way He would ask, which involves living the way He would
live if He were in our shoes, being completely dependent on God, and having faith.
We must become God’s word: obedient, courageous, humble, faithful, trusting,
loving, kind…
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