The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my
deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I
take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
(Psalm 18:2)
morning I'm thinking about God as my rock. This is the verse that came to mind.
What can one say about God being your rock? The usual idea that comes to mind
is that God is our safe place. Rocks are seen as being unchanging. In those
ways, a rock is comforting. Rocks also don't give when we kick them or
otherwise come into sharp contact with them. They don't move. They are not
broken. Instead, they break us.
fortress or stronghold protects us. It surrounds us and prevents others from
attacking us. It also closes us in. The walls get in the way. A deliverer can
rescue us from, or hand us over to an enemy or negative circumstances. The same
shield that prevents us from being harmed gets in the way of our harming
is simple, in that He is who He is all the way through, but sometimes we seem
to want Him to be for us in a way that we want Him to be for us. It seems so
simple to us. We expect God to be our safe, solid place to stand that is as
giving as water when we come against Him. Have you ever considered the idea of
a one sided coin?
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