we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face.
Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. (I
Corinthians 13:12)
Incomprehensible. We say that God is
omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, good, wise, holy, love, compassionate ....
I pretend to have some idea of what those terms mean as I write about Him to
you. You (probably) pretend to have some idea of what I'm trying to share. It's
the same with most things. We think we understand gravity, genetics, the people
we live with, etc., but there is always more to learn. We understand in part.
At the other extreme are those who
say that unless one knows comprehensively and exhaustively, one cannot claim to
understand at all. This is classic
reductionism. In fact, it reduces our knowledge to zero since we do not even
know ourselves that well. Such know-nothing-ism is simple ignorance, the
willful disregard of what can be known. God tells us in Romans 1 that He has
made some knowledge of Himself available to all people in the same way that an
artist does, through what He created - so that no one has an excuse. He has
promised to reveal Himself further to those who seek Him. How much God reveals
about Himself is His decision, and it's based on the observer's capacity to
understand. I know I understand more
about most things now than I did when I was three, or five, or fifteen, or even
thirty five.
It shouldn't surprise or offend us
that God is incomprehensible. In fact, it should delight us, because it means
there's more to learn.
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