Job replied to the LORD, “I know
that you can do all things; no plan of yours can be thwarted." (Job 42:1-2)
I did
not see a temple in the city, because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are
its temple.
(Revelation 21:22)
is believed to be the oldest book in the Bible. Genesis tells of the beginning,
but Job was apparently written first. That means that from the first to the
last, God has been known to be omnipotent or almighty. In ancient times, the
gods were believed to "belong" to the people with whom they were
associated. Many of the disasters with which God plagued Egypt were slap downs
of the Egyptian gods. When the Philistines captured the Ark of the Covenant and
put it in the temple of Dagon, the idol fell over and broke. When Elijah and
the 400 priests of Baal got together for their cage match, the first part of
the battle was the question of which god could and would bring fire on the
offered sacrifices. Jesus' death and resurrection is a similar proof. The book
of Revelation describes the last of these battles.
we have different gods. The Hindu religion has more than 330 million gods. I
don't think we have as many in America, but given the number of people who
consider themselves to gods, I wouldn't be surprised to learn we have at least
220 million but there are a few that seem to more popular. One is "the
government." Another is "science." A third is "the
universe." Whatever gods we serve, God is likely to call that god out, and
show Himself to be the better, stronger god. He does this not just because He
can, but because our reliance on the false gods is harmful to us. The day is
coming when these gods will be defeated.
first thing that shows His omnipotence is His ability to defeat His enemies.
The second is His ability to choose to say "No." One of the ways that
some people want God to prove his omnipotence is by doing something that they
tell Him to do - usually something silly or demeaning. That doesn't prove His
omnipotence. It proves theirs. His not doing what they demand is proof that
they aren't in control. As much as I would like God to do everything I want Him
to do, I respect Him because His omnipotence includes the power to say,
A third thing that proves His omnipotence is
announcement beforehand of things He is going to do. Jesus' birth and death
were announced nearly 500 years before they happened. Read Daniel 9. Our future
was announced about two thousand years ago. Read Daniel and Revelation then
keep your eyes on the news. I'm grateful for God's omnipotence. I don't like
being kept in my place, but I need it.
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