In his days Judah will be saved and
Israel will live in safety. This is the name by which he will be called: The LORD Our Righteousness (Jeremiah 23:6)
JEHOVAH-TSIDKENU “The Lord our righteousness"
This is one of
those things that blows my mind. We've all heard of guilt by association.
Anyone who voted for Mr. Trump is hateful, phobic, etc. Anyone who voted for
Mrs. Clinton is hateful, corrupt, etc. We can probably provide evidence that
one or more of those statements is true. But, God works in the opposite
direction. He attributes righteousness by association. Abraham believed God,
and it was attributed to him as righteousness. The nation of Israel was told
over and over that God didn't choose them because they were righteous - because
they weren't. He was their righteousness just as Christ is ours today. It's not
that we do nothing wrong. It's not even really that we are learning to do what
is right (though I hope we are.) It is all about His righteousness and His
grace. He picked you for His team, therefore all that is true of His team is
true of you, even when you fail.
This doesn't
excuse our failures. We can't claim His righteousness and think our sins don't
matter. God will deal with those failures as He knows to be appropriate. His
goal is for us to grow into the righteousness He envisions for us - which means
that He has hope for us, not based in what we can do, but based on what He has
done and continues to do for us and in us.
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