fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, their deeds are
vile; there is no one who does good. (Psalm 14:1)
fear of the LORD is the beginning
of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline. (Prov 1:7)
How does one pick a verse, or two,
about foolishness and wisdom for April Fools' Day? There are just too many
great verses on the subject. Maybe instead, we can do an April Fools' Week.
The foundation on which such a study
must be conducted is these two verses. The fool rejects God and rejects God's
Word. The wise person fears or respects God. The fool despises wisdom and
discipline and his/her behavior is corrupt and vile. The wise person accepts even if it's not pleasant.
There are some people who are absolutely
convinced that I am a complete fool, mostly because I don't build my life based
on their philosophies. I don't think they're right, of course. It's not that
I'm not a fool. There is far too much foolishness in me for me to pretend
otherwise, but I'm not a fool because I don't agree with their philosophies. I'm
a fool because I don't believe strongly enough in the philosophy and teachings
presented in Scripture. I don't have the level of self-discipline that I should
have. Pride and self get in the way too often. That is the unfortunate reality everyone
faces. Dare we pray...? Father, teach us to fear You properly
April Fool's Day
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